[MT6761] TWRP Recovery for Redmi 6A and ROOT Guide

TWRP Recovery for Redmi 6A (cactus) is now available to download. this post guides how to download and install TWRP on Redmi 6A and also guides how to ROOT Redmi 6A (using TWRP recovery). DISCLAIMER: THIS IS AN INITIAL UNOFFICIAL TWRP FOR Redmi 6A. FLASH AT YOUR OWN RISK Redmi 6A ROOT MAY BRICK THE PHONE. INSTALLING THE TWRP FOR Redmi 6A NEEDS AN UNLOCK BOOTLOADER ON Redmi 6A . DURING THE BOOTLOADER UNLOCK PROCESS ALL THE PHONE DATA WILL BE ERASED. You are the only person making changes to your phone and I cannot be held responsible for the mistakes done by you. INFORMATION OF THIS TWRP FOR Redmi 6A: – TWRP version: 3.x.x – Supported Android Version: Android 8.1 – Built from – OmniROM AOSP source DOWNLOAD LINK OF TWRP FOR Redmi 6A, OTHER DOWNLOADS AND REQUIRED GUIDES: Redmi 6A Phone , USB cable and a Windows , or Linux or MAC PC with ADB and fastboot installed on it. TWRP-3.2...